comments for program variables:

source code: 0.29.04
firmware bin: 0.29.04
gd32 dfu drivers and tool
tool always checks for update and says one is available; ignore it
to use bootloader, use some tweezers to short BOOT0 pin as you plug in the top USB port

0.29.04 firmware makes the badge generally more stable and fixes sleep (a bit late for that isn't it)
version 5 (or some later version) will add multi program support for more dyanmic led shit

want to hack on the code? let us know on discord, email, twitter
we plan to release as soon as shit is kinda stable, during con, for people who want to hack

as far as how to set up:


how can I get a badge?

just be cool. no guarantees. ever.

how much does it cost?

we don't sell it. sorry.

dc29 review

there were less people.
most people had a good time.